How to request or change residence (also virtual)

  • Virtual residence (via Modesta Valenti)

People without accommodation who therefore do not have the possibility of obtaining real residence and who live permanently in the Municipality of Rome can obtain virtual residence at the relevant Municipality.

It is necessary to make an appointment and have an interview in which to briefly explain the reasons for your request. The address that will be written on the documents will be that of Via Modesta Valenti and the street number will correspond to that of the issuing Municipality.

Remember that via Modesta Valenti is not a real address, but a useful residence for obtaining essential public services. Your point of reference is the Town Hall which assigns it.

What you need

  1. residence permit (if it has expired, you need to demonstrate that you have an appointment at the police station and the payment slip paid for the issue/renewal of your residence permit);

  2. tax code/health card;

  3. passport if it is the first application for residence in Italy.

How to do

identify your Municipality based on the area where you usually live on the website of the Municipality of Rome on the page

There are several ways to submit the request. The main ones are

  1.  by e-mail;  

  2. by telephone;

  3. through the “Tu passi” platform on the page: After registering (by entering your name, surname, tax code, telephone number and creating a password) select your Town Hall, the office that deals with residences and book your appointment;

  4. by e.mail with certified electronic mail (PEC): if you don’t have a PEC address you can go to a Caf.

Following the interview, the procedure will start to be activated and will end with the certificate of residence. Most Municipalities provide a mail collection service for residents in via Modesta Valenti; check it by asking the Town Hall directly.

Remember, to avoid cancellation of the virtual residence, you must periodically go to the Town Hall and, upon expiry of the residence permit, notify the Municipality that it has been renewed

Below is a template that you can use to request by email for residence in Modesta Valenti. Remember to attach your documents.

E-mail template


To: insert email address of the town hall where you live

Subject: Richiesta appuntamento residenza in via Modesta
Valenti (Request for a residence appointment in via Modesta

Mi chiamo … (insert your name and surname), nato in … (insert
your country), il …/…/… (insert your date of birth), scrivo per
chiedere un appuntamento per la residenza in via Modesta
Valenti. Vivo in zona … (insert the area you live in)
Questo è il mio numero di telefono … (insert your telephone
Allego i miei documenti
Cordiali saluti

Best regards

Click on the symbol

to upload the documents to be sent (residence permit, health card/fiscal code and passport if necessary)

  • Change of residence online

The change of residence is the transfer of residence from one address to another in the same municipality or from a different municipality.

What you need

  1. SPID (or the electronic identity card – CIE).

How to do

  1. choose how to access the Municipality of Rome portal (SPID or CIE)
  2. after entering your data, search for “Cambio di Residenza-Abitazione online” (Change of Residence-Housing online service);
  3. proceed by entering the required data and documents on each page.

Below is an example of the procedure with authentication via SPID